Welcome to our World!

Grenades&Granola is all about our crazy, busy, joyful, blessed life! Babe and I wouldn't have it any other way...As we anxiously await the birth of our first son, Gideon Andrew, we can't help but marvel at all the blessings in our life.

After only 5 short years, Babe and I have gone from complete strangers to dating, engagement, deployment, elopement, a subsequent wedding, job changes, city changes and now parents!!! Whew! Is your head spinning?

Gideon is our little miracle - we prayed for him long before he was conceived and are now so excited to meet him.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A World of Firsts

My little warrior has had many firsts in the past two weeks. Not to mention all the firsts for Babe and me!! Gideon was 9lbs, 4oz when he was born, 9lbs the following day and 10lbs at his one week check up!

Tierney and Gideon
Our first week included visits from Nana, Paw-Paw, Aunt Bethany, Grandma Mary and Aunt Erin, and Grandpa Hank and Grandma Betty. Phew!! Lots of visitors...especially since Gideon and I were on strict bed rest!

My mom stayed with us for most of the first week. Thank goodness!! I was pretty weak and we needed all the help we could get :o)

My dad came up the morning after Gideon was born and stayed for the day. He was so excited to meet his grandson!

Aunt Bethany

Aunt Bethany came to visit Wednesday while my mom ran home to take care of some things. She couldn't get enough of my baby!!

Grandma Mary
  Mary and Erin had been planning a visit for months and couldn't wait to hold him!

Aunt Erin has the touch!
Grandpa Hank and Grandma Betty came up for a quick visit and couldn't get enough of Gideon! There were so many camera flashes, I thought the paparazzi was in my bedroom!  

By Sunday, all our visitors had gone home and the Millward Trio was alone for the first time. It was really nice to be home for a few days as a new family. Babe and I seriously just sit and stare at Gideon...he's so perfect!

We gave Gideon his first bath - not a huge success...he spit up, peed on me and then pooped his diaper as soon as he got out. He was cleaner before his bath than after! LOL...Tierney gave us suggestions for the next one (which was a HUGE success).

My precious baby boy - one week old!!

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