Welcome to our World!

Grenades&Granola is all about our crazy, busy, joyful, blessed life! Babe and I wouldn't have it any other way...As we anxiously await the birth of our first son, Gideon Andrew, we can't help but marvel at all the blessings in our life.

After only 5 short years, Babe and I have gone from complete strangers to dating, engagement, deployment, elopement, a subsequent wedding, job changes, city changes and now parents!!! Whew! Is your head spinning?

Gideon is our little miracle - we prayed for him long before he was conceived and are now so excited to meet him.

Monday, January 31, 2011

So Much to Catch Up On

Oh my goodness! There seems to be so much to catch up on...Since my last post (which was a month ago), Gideon has had quite a few adventures!
What's up everybody??
So let's see, where do we start? I can't even believe that I am able to sit here and type this, because Babe isn't home yet and Gideon is peacefully sleeping in the other room! Which is a first for him - he prefers to sleep on me, and I love the sweet peacefulness of it, so I haven't really tried to get him to sleep alone yet. But today he fell asleep in my arms and I needed to take a shower, so I attempted to put him down and SUCCESS!!! Among his other recently acquired talents, he is now rolling over (from back to belly), reaching for things, babbling and laughing (he actually has begun shouting at one particular toy and this seems to really crack him up!) and sleeping through the night!

Syd and Gid

Remle and Delaney meet G!
Jennifer and Gideon
We took a little road trip and visited some friends and family. Gideon got to meet both of his great-grandmothers! He stayed with his first sitter (and his buddy Christian) while Babe and I were with our business team. And he even hung out with his friend Sydney on a playdate last week. Phew! And the awesome part is that he is a social butterfly and LOVES meeting new people. He is so laid back and chill - we are so blessed.

My sweet boy loves his Mammaw
Call me Purplicious!
Last week, I noticed that G and I had some thrush symptoms, so we treated that for a week and were totally purple! We were good for a few days, but now the thrush is back and we are retreating. Not cool yeast....

We had our first real snow of the season last week as well. Babe wanted to take G out in it (no literally, sit/lay him in the snow) but I vetoed that one. Sorry fellas! We got about 6-8 inches. So pretty. I love the snow and even though I haven't really been out of the house since Gideon was born, I do enjoy a snowfall.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Everyday Miracles

Ok, I know it has been a month since my last post and according to my friend Corri, if I'm going to be a blogger, I need to actually post a blog :o). It's just been such a crazy month...but I will try to play catch up on all our comings and goings tomorrow. I only have a few minutes before my sweet boy needs me and I really want to post this.

Being a mom has changed me in so many ways, I can't even begin to describe it! One significant change is the way I view relationships. More specifically, my relationship with God. I've come to realize that I have taken so much in my life for granted and I've been so busy that I have missed so many details. Like the sheer magnitude and beauty of nature. What a gift to us from our Father! We have just been hit by a snow storm and while I have always thought snow was beautiful, I saw it differently this time. I couldn't help but think about the uncountable number of snowflakes that fall in one storm. And each and every one of them is different and unique! I mean, can you even wrap your mind around that?? Billions upon billions of tiny flakes, and no two alike! What an awesome God!

This train of thought led me to begin thinking about miracles. There are so many miracles in our everyday lives and we just miss them. While pregnant, I was struck by the miracle of life and how we as humans are a miracle. And now watching Gideon accomplish new tasks - something as simple as reaching his hand for a toy or rolling over, I realize how miracluous life truly is. How many times a day do we complete seemingly meaningless tasks without thinking of how amazing it is that we can walk, talk, type or tie our shoes?

The reason most people (myself included) miss so many miracles is because we don't know what to look for. I admit, when I think miracle, I think walking on water, raising the dead or parting the sea. But what about everyday miracles? What about the ability to smile, to laugh, to encourage? Everyday it's a miracle that we wake up, that gravity keeps us from just floating away, that all of our organs work together in harmony to keep us breathing. I could go on and on...

But what about the "big" miracles? Why don't we see them outside of the Old Testament? This reminded me of a verse (and I'll paraphrase) that we have not because we ask not. Our world is framed by our beliefs and expectations. So if I'm not seeing "big" miracles, maybe it's because I'm not believing big enough. If my God can create an infinite number of unique snowflakes, why can't He perform miracles in my life? BECAUSE HE CAN!! Maybe He's just waiting for me to believe big! So Babe and I have decided to just become outrageous. We are not going to not ask anymore!! We are believing our Father will give us the desires of our heart and that He will supply all our needs and that we will live in abundance. What father wouldn't want that for their child?

So, this is just something that I have been thinking about lately. Maybe it's just me, but I think we all need to take the time to appreciate our everyday miracles and then expect and ask for "big" ones too!