Welcome to our World!

Grenades&Granola is all about our crazy, busy, joyful, blessed life! Babe and I wouldn't have it any other way...As we anxiously await the birth of our first son, Gideon Andrew, we can't help but marvel at all the blessings in our life.

After only 5 short years, Babe and I have gone from complete strangers to dating, engagement, deployment, elopement, a subsequent wedding, job changes, city changes and now parents!!! Whew! Is your head spinning?

Gideon is our little miracle - we prayed for him long before he was conceived and are now so excited to meet him.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

6 Months

Little G-unit is 6 months old today! WOW...how did THAT happen? He is growing like crazy - he has doubled his birth weight and is weighing in around 18 pounds and seems to be hitting another growth spurt in the past few days.

Last month he started sitting up really well by himself, scooting, and feeding himself. Two days ago he figured out how to pull himself up to stand and he just thinks he is so funny! He has progressed from what I like to call the "army crawl" (think wounded soldier), to the "inchworm". Any second now I fully expect to see him just take off and zoom around the house! We have chosen to follow Baby Led Weaning (BLW) with Gideon and he is taking off with it! The premise of this method is that you introduce "solid" solids to a baby instead of beginning with purees and progressing to foods with more texture. And, babies must feed themselves, not be spoon-fed.  Basically, G eats whatever I am eating. This is such a fun endeavor! So far his favorite foods are steak (cooked medium), BACON!!, pickles, and sweet potatoes. He has also tried and enjoyed granny smith apple, cheese, tomato, shrimp, black beans, broccoli, watermelon and poached egg.

(I will add pics soon!!)

Gideon finally cut his first tooth! It came quietly and without a fuss. And now his other bottom tooth feels like it will be popping in any day now. What a big boy!

There is so much more that we have been up to, but I will have to work backwards to post all of it - be looking for a Mother's Day recap, funny videos and my mother of the year moment!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, totally sincere question, so please educate me. How does he keep from choking on all those solids without a mouthful of teeth?
